Conquer Athlete

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3 Things the Fittest on Earth Do to Keep Improving

Clients are always searching for the next great way to improve their fitness. Oftentimes, they do not realize that the optimal way to improve their fitness is already within them. This idea comes back to staying true to the principles versus methods. The latest “method” will not necessarily improve your fitness for the long haul. I say that because, if all you know is that method, then you will be tied to that method. At some point, that method will not have the same effect on your system and the rate of progression may slow or stop. So, with that being said, I want to touch on three principles that will always be there to help improve your fitness.


This one can do more for you than anything else. This goes back to my college days. One of the best pieces of advice I ever received was from a mentor who said, “Step 1: show up each day.” I said, “What do you do after that?” He said, “Do that first - each and every day - and go from there.” I laughed at that, but as I grew, that one principle can do more good for your purpose than anything else. Show up! Show up each day, and show up ready to work. If you do this, then you will create the habit of working each day, and your ability to progress will be a lot stronger.


After you create the pattern of showing up each day, you need to be able to exert effort in order to drive adaptation. Effort doesn’t mean killing yourself each day. Effort means putting forth what you need on that day to take another step forward toward achieving your goals. Now, just like stress, too much effort and intensity can have a negative effect on you, as can not enough effort. However, if you ingrain the idea of putting forth the right effort for that day around your training, then you will find consistency in your adaptation and progress.

Proper movement selection.

You might be asking; “Why is this a key principle to improving your fitness?” Proper movement selection is key. Focus on achieving the right exercises that elicit the proper response to drive the adaptation that you are looking for. Proper movement selection can also keep you out of injury, and create a more efficient journey to where you want to go.

If you stick to this “Holy Trinity” of principles, then you will be able to input various methods around what your goals are for your own fitness journey!

If you are not sure about what to do next, then you need to contact us at so we can set you up with a personalized training program to get you where you want to be.

-Coach Jay