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4 Myths Around Creating an Elite MIndset

By Coach Jason Leydon

For everything we do, we need to have an elite mindset. Whether this is around your job, your relationships, or your passion, you need to have a strong mindset. So, the next logical question is: What is an elite mindset? You can take each priority of yours and think about what defines a strong mindset to you based around how you define success within that area. Now, I know that creates a lot of gray areas, but it’s a starting point to keep score and hold yourself accountable. If you are walking a path, but you have not defined what success looks like for that particular journey, then it will be difficult to generate the right components of an elite mindset for that road. Now, there are certain principles that go along with having an elite mindset. So, what I want to do is talk about some myths around having an elite mindset. This is almost like reverse engineering your approach to it. You understand the myths, so that you can then create your right path for an elite mindset.

Myth #1: Leaving mindset to “chance.”

Mindset is something that needs to be constantly worked at. It is not something that is simply learned. Coaches need to understand people and how to work with them, and people need to understand that they need to put just as much focus on their mindset as they do on their sport/endeavor.

Myth #2: Believing that mindset is only achieved by working harder.

Newsflash: everyone works hard! If you are not working hard, then chances are you are not truly passionate about what you are doing (no matter what it is.) If you do not work hard at your relationship, it might not be that important to you. If you don’t work hard to reach your goals, then they might not be as big of a focus to you as you think. Make sure you are doing what truly inspires you.

Myth #3: Mindset work cannot be coached.

Mindset development takes a long time, and usually happens as people mature within themselves and around what they are doing. With intentional training, you can usually speed up this process, as long as both parties are receptive to the work.

Myth #4: “I’m too busy to add something else to my plate.”

Having an elite mindset will drive success in nearly everything you do in your life. So, carve out time, knock other things away, and get to work.

(These concepts were outlined within Brian Cain’s Mental Performance Mastery Coaches Certification, which we highly recommend!)

As always, if you have questions around your training and need guidance to reach your goals, send an email to and we would be happy to help you however we can!

-Coach Jay