Conquer Athlete

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CrossFit Remote Coaching for Competitions

Annie Sakamoto (CrossFit Games Champion), Coach Jayson Leydon (left)

I am not one to sit here and tell you that remote coaching for the sport of CrossFit will magically make you better and/or bring you to your promised land. What I will say is that a personalized approach to programming and coaching will put you in the best position to continually reach your potential.  

The problem that I see with a lot of remote CrossFit coaching lies within the coaching. The space is becoming saturated, and with the saturation you will get an influx of people looking to make a dollar. So the coaching, the programming, and the connection will become watered down as people price shop and/or program hop.

So, here are a few things that people should be looking for, or receiving with their CrossFit remote coaching program.

Proper Communication

The ability of the coach to communicate to the athlete in a way that the athlete feels heard and understands what is going on is key. That is the sole way to not only create, but also maintain, buy-in and trust. With inexperienced coaching, there is a lack or flaw around communication skills.

Personalized program based around the season

I have seen many companies out there that offer “personalized programming” at a cheaper price, really just handing out a cookie-cutter program that is watered down from other clients. You get what you pay for, and to have a proper program for you and the sport, there should be season, potentiation, and progressions for your culminating event.

Proper application of the principles in order to continually drive adaptation

These principles range from intensity, volume, and movement selection, to potentiation and individual differences (to name a few). Each program should properly apply these principles in a way that best suits that individual person.

If these three concepts are applied, you have a sound remote CrossFit program and a quality remote CrossFit Coach.

If you are unsure and feel something is being missed, make sure you set up a free consultation with us to see how we can best guide you. Learn more about Conquer Athlete’s remote CrossFit coaching program: Conquer Individual Design.

-Coach Jay