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Do Champions Do Online CrossFit Training?

The short answer to this is yes. Champions do follow online CrossFit Training. What we see as the sport grows is a need for expert coaches and programs that are written for the top 1% in order for those athletes to reach their fullest potential. For this blog, I will outline a few things that help athletes reach their fullest potential through online CrossFit Training.

Sound programming

A key element for any online CrossFit Training program to work is having sound principles. Can templates work? Sure, they can work and are found to be very effective with athletes. However, I firmly believe that a template can only take you so far. If you want to truly maximize your ability, then you need something tailored just to you. Why? Because reaching that 1% goes way beyond what is written. Your sleep, hydration, nutrition, movement quality, breathing, recovery, stress, genetic make up, sex, training age, adaption levels, and more all play a role in your formula that is needed for stimulus, recovery, and adaptation. With that being said, there are still individual programs that are not very well thought-out. A GREAT online CrossFit training program looks at stress, intensity, volume, time of program, phase potentiation, movement selection, and variety all as tied to the person, their sex, age, training age, stress levels, and recovery. So, do your homework, get with a program that is good and right for you, and have fun being the best you can be!

Coaches who coach

Another element to great online CrossFit Training is within the coaching. Coaches need to coach. This goes way beyond just showing up or just putting stuff down on paper for someone to follow and calling it a program. True coaching is the link between the science of programming and the human element of communication. When these two things are tied in, then trust and buy in are created and you have a coach/athlete bond. That coach / athlete bond is what truly drives the champion within. One of the most important factors in great online CrossFit training is trust!

Communities that drive excellence

Environments can make a training session so much better. So, people might ask, how can champions do online CrossFit training remotely, or in a different environment than their coach and/or team. This can be achieved in a few ways. First, the person should have a sound support staff at their gym that might train with them. Second, the online CrossFit training program should provide an online support staff that is energetic, encouraging, and offers feedback around times, workouts, progress, and movement correction.

When these three things are all moving in the same direction, then you will see champions!

If you are unsure as to what you are doing, or what path you should be on, please shoot us an email, We will set up a free consultation with you and get you on the path to reach the champion within.

-Coach Jay