Conquer Athlete

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Fast-Track Your Goals with Individual CrossFit Programming

Like many things in life, it all comes down to instant versus delayed gratification.

The problem is that many people choose what they want right now versus what they really want. We see this all the time with nutrition. If people are hungry or are tempted with something they “shouldn’t” have per their goals, there will be a draw to pull them to the candy bar and the instant happiness they feel from eating it. Rarely will people delay their gratification and choose a healthier option which will aid to their overall happiness (and/or health) down the road. We see this with fitness programming too. There is this push that will drive people to follow big templates under the instant gratification of feeling connected to their CrossFit idol, doing what they are doing, or even feeling “smashed” by programming. Rarely do people want to take a step back in order to take two (or five!) steps forward down the road. 

However, what if I were to tell you that following Individualized CrossFit Programming could actually fast-track your goals?

How might this happen you ask…

Well, following an individualized CrossFit Program can indeed fast-track you, by taking the proper steps to layer the foundation needed for your success. Let me explain below.

Having a coach.

This is one of the biggest attributes of an individualized program. When you have a coach, you will have someone that you form a bond with: a relationship that is built on trust, and around your best interest, rather than the “bottom line.” A coach is someone who you can lean on, someone who will give you a kick in the butt, and someone who will guide you through each step of the journey, through the good and the bad, to help you reach your goals.

Attention to needs.

Many times, templates are built around the needs of one high level person and everyone else must either sink or swim with it. That is the fastest way to cease gains and prompt overtraining. When you have attention to your needs through an individualized track, you will have steady and strategic growth and progress.

Adjustments around lifestyle.

As the years pass, and as we age, things change - basically as life happens - so too does stress and what our bodies can and cannot withstand anymore. When you are following an individualized program, you will have proper program adjustments around your lifestyle that will ensure steady growth and progress to where you want to be.

Proper Movement Selection.

A key principle to strength and conditioning is proper movement selection. This is based around the person, their sex, their build, their genetic makeup, how they move, and who they are. Movement selection in both strength and conditioning can make or break progress. When you are on an individualized program, the movement selection is based on YOU! This, in and of itself, will create the clearest path for your right prescription.

Personalized Volume and Intensity.

Volume and intensity are the unique symphony that must blend together perfectly in order to be effective and right for that person. When you are on a template, the volume and intensity is usually only right for one percent of the people. The others make it through due to stress and excitement, but over time they will bonk off, get injured, or their weaknesses will get weaker while their strengths stay stagnant. Volume and intensity must be applied systematically throughout the year depending on the prescription that is needed to drive adaptation! Nothing does this better and more efficiently for a person than a personalized program.

So, if you really want to fast-track your goals, get on an Individualized CrossFit Program. 

If you are not sure as to who is the best, look no further than Conquer Athlete. Hit us up for a free discovery call and see how we can best serve you.

-Coach Jay