Conquer Athlete

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Coaches Webinar: Principles for Creating Sound Programming around General Physical Preparedness.

The Conquer Coaching Staff is holding the next Live Coaches Webinar on Thursday, August 12th, from 1:30-2:30 Eastern Standard Time. This webinar will be a three part deep-dive around the principles of creating sound programming around general physical preparedness.

The three parts of this webinar will cover:

  1. How to manage volume and intensity throughout the training block.

  2. Importance of accessory work and how to implement it.

  3. Styles of training programs and who they are best suited for.

This Webinar will be a *must* for all coaches who program for the 99% - the coaches who work with people that want to look good, feel good, move well, and train with a purpose. This Webinar will also be a homerun for coaches who program and work with gyms as well.

What we see too often is coaches who don’t fully understand the principles and bounce from method to method. Usually this causes frustration, concern, worry that the method won’t work, stress around developing the program, and long wasted hours thinking about what to do.

The more coaches can grasp onto the principles of strength, conditioning, and mixed modal work, the easier the programs will flow and results will come.

This is a Live Webinar with a question and answer period after each section.

If you cannot make the Webinar ,you can still sign up and have the recording sent to you with full email access to the Conquer coaching staff to answer any questions you may have. Here’s a link to sign up we’ll see you there.