Conquer Athlete

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How to Choose an Online CrossFit Program

In this day and age, getting information is not the issue, rather it’s how you apply that information to best serve your mission that is getting harder and harder. With regards to training, we are flooded with information everyday from what online “professionals” view as the “most important” training you can do, without ever knowing a thing about you. Oftentimes this leads people down a rabbit hole of training and various methods that others are doing without ever taking into account their own directional needs. Hence why we wanted to share with you the important factors that you should pay attention to when looking for an online CrossFit training program.

Here are the top three attributes that you should pay attention to for a great online CrossFit training program:

The first one is COMMUNICATION. You can follow the greatest program in the world, however if there isn’t a strong sounding board between the athlete and the coach, then the true potential of that athlete will never be reached. A great coach understands how to communicate to different personality types and they can do so in a way that leaves the athlete feeling complete. When you are following an online training program, it is even more important to have strong communication if you want to make progress. Look for a program where the coaches are asking questions, giving advice, and truly taking an interest in your needs.

The second factor is having a program built around the season of CrossFit. I say this because the application of stress and the segmentation across the strength to endurance continuum are dependent upon the time of the year. A sound online CrossFit training program will have a proper flow from a building phase, to an intensity phase, to a competition phase. With each phase comes specific demands and responses from the body as a means to potentiate the next training block/phase. Make sure the program follows the principles for proper modality development within the sport of CrossFit.

The third most important phase you should look for when searching for an online CrossFit training program is the attention to intensity and volume. No program should leave you feeling beat down and exhausted everyday. Unfortunately, many times people search for this feeling. However, over time, too much intensity and volume will lead you to injury or burnout. An online CrossFit training program should have a beautiful symphony between intensity and volume in such a way that builds your confidence and ability to perform and perform at a faster rate for time, without leaving you feeling exhausted, frustrated, or “banged up” throughout the entire training year.

  • Do you want to get on the right program?

  • Do you want to stop guessing and know you are doing the right things to reach your goals?

Set up a free consultation with our coaches and see how Conquer can best serve you.