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How to Find an Online CrossFit Coach

In this day and age, information is not the issue. The issue is being able to decipher between all the marketing bullshit you see each day. 

This also applies to finding an online CrossFit coach. You can open up your computer and whoever has the biggest marketing dollars behind them will probably be flooding your inbox with advertisements and name drops. 

So, with all that being said, the below is my checklist for what you should be looking for when searching for an online CrossFit Coach.

  1. Track Record

    What is the coach's track record when it comes to results? With this, you need to really dive in and see how they have developed athletes. Many people today will name drop athletes who would probably be where they are no matter what they did simply because they are genetically gifted. So, have they developed athletes over many years? Have they kept athletes healthy and performing at a high level over the years? Do their athletes stay with them for a long time?

  2. Customization

    When you are working with an online CrossFit coach, you want to make sure the program you are doing is right for you and is customized for you. There are many programs out there that have a cookie cutter format that they copy and paste for many people. Now, for comparisons, that can be beneficial, but for optimal athletic / strength/ sport performance, that will only get you so far before your limitations get exposed from a lack of specification. The results might come at first, but then drop off. Customized programs are much more efficient at strategically attacking the things you need to work on. 

  3. Communication

    Does the coach communicate with you? How often do they communicate with you? Is it a hassle to get hold of them? Do you only hear from them every few weeks? You want to know all these things before you get into the thick of things. I hear from many people how their coach talks to them every 2 weeks, takes forever to respond to them, or doesn’t respond. Those actions are a problem for all parties! When you are working with an online CrossFit coach, you need someone who is a professional and talks to their clients multiple times a week. The truest role of a coach is a guide. The only way to guide is to trust and communicate with the person you are guiding. 

  4. Follow through

    When you are working with an online CrossFit coach, you want to make sure they follow through with what they say they are going to do. You want someone who will tell you the truth and not just say what you want to hear to keep your payment coming. The most important thing with online CrossFit coaching is trust, specifically the trust developed between the athlete and the coach. Trust is built upon results, honesty, and follow through. Make sure your coach is a coach - and not just a cheerleader! 

If these four things hit home with you, and you want to make sure you are working with the right person or company, then send an email to We would love to set up a free discovery session with you so you can see what a true coaching program is all about.

-Coach Jay