Conquer Athlete

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Why Online CrossFit Training is the Future.

There are many debates as to the effectiveness of online CrossFit training. As with anything out there, you can find both the pros and the cons. I am in the camp that sides with the effectiveness of online CrossFit training. So, the question is, why do I think this? Simply put, professionals. I believe that online CrossFit training is the future due to the constant growth of professional programmers/coaches.

I see the future of this sport being broken down between coaches and programmers. There are people out there who can really dive into being an effective coach. Which, to me, goes way beyond just writing a program. As coaches grow and get wiser, they realize that true coaching comes down to the human connection between coaches and athletes. Programming lies with the beautiful sympathy between volume and intensity and properly teetering back and forth in order to drive the proper adaptation for the athlete. 

Why then is online CrossFit training the future?

Well, it is the future because more and more people who don’t have to worry about running a brick and mortar facility are able to put the proper time into developing their skills as programmers. People who run gyms, and/or even manage gyms have a lot on their plates from the business, coaching, and community growth. Individuals who only have to focus on one thing, that is being a great online coach and programmer, will be able to devote more time and attention to developing their craft within this niche of fitness.

As online CrossFit programmers continue to stay within their lane, they will dramatically increase their ability to dial in their programs to the people they are writing them for. Their ability to grasp the person’s lifestyle, stressors, nutritional intake, down regulatory protocols, and training will all blend into a smooth path for growth and development.

How do you know you have a good program(mer) that you are following? Well for one, if you have specific goals, then you should not be following a mass template. With specific/focused goals, your work should be specific to you. With that being said, a good online CrossFit training program will look at volume, intensity, progressive overload, variance, proper movement selection, and adherence to building structure and stability in order to build the body's ability for future volume/intensity.

If you are still not sure you are on the right path, set up a free call with us and see how Conquer Athlete can help guide you along your fitness journey.

-Coach Jay