Conquer CrossFit Blog

Functional Fitness Tips, CrossFit News, & More

Online Coaching Jason Leydon Online Coaching Jason Leydon

CrossFit Remote Coaching for Competitions

The problem that I see with a lot of remote crossfit coaching lies within the coaching. The space is becoming saturated, and with the saturation you will get an influx of people looking to make a dollar. So the coaching, the programming, and the connection will become watered down as people price shop and/or program hop. So, here are a few things that people should be looking for, or receiving with their CrossFit remote coaching program.

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Online Crossfit Training Jason Leydon Online Crossfit Training Jason Leydon

Why Online CrossFit Training is the Future.

There are many debates as to the effectiveness of online CrossFit training. As with anything out there, you can find both the pros and the cons. I am in the camp that sides with the effectiveness of online CrossFit training. So, the question is, why do I think this? Simply put, professionals. I believe that online CrossFit training is the future due to the constant growth of professional programmers/coaches.

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