The One Thing You are Missing in Your Competitive CrossFit Training


That’s right folks, there is one thing you are missing as you ascend up the ladder of competitive fitness. You might be thinking to yourself, “this dude is nuts.” “There is no way I am missing anything.” “I have a coach, and he/she makes sure I am doing everything I need to do.” Well, if you are reading this, then you might have a small speckle of doubt within your training.

So, without prolonging this any longer, the one thing I can guarantee you are missing is SKILL.

That’s right, skill. The act of training every movement in CrossFit in regards to the skill of the movement. Burpees are a skill, box jumps are a skill, how you transition is a skill, the way you jump to a bar or grab a barbell is a skill. Every single component of the Sport of Fitness is a skill. As you continue your path around competing in CrossFit, you need to consider this and put active thought and action into what you are doing to develop your skill sets.

To take this to another level, as you first develop your ability to accomplish the movements as a skill, you then need to consider how the skills of the movements can and will be changed around the standards set, fatigue factors, and time domains. Just like when you are moving a barbell, you have the skill of the barbell movement, then different aspects of how to move that barbell as it relates to volume, intensity, load, and time.

The art of treating EVERY SINGLE ACTION in the Sport of CrossFit as a skill is what separates the good from the great. The great athletes and coaches recognize this and build their skill sets along the way. As they continually develop and progress in ability, they refine their skill sets to aid in better performance.

So as you set forth in your training, approach every aspect of what you're doing as a skill. Create a deeper understanding of how that skill applies to you and your situation and then apply that skill as needed around the expression of fitness you are setting out to do.

To learn more about how to apply the skills to the sport of CrossFit shoot us an email, and see how we can guide you to your fitness Valhalla.

-Coach Jay


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