Why Coaches Need Coaches: The Benefits to a Coaching Mentorship Program

I am someone who is constantly seeking growth. Enlightenment through the spirit and the mind has and continues to be one of my north stars. I easily have over twenty mentors, some of which I am in close contact with and others from afar that I lean on to learn and grow from. I am a big believer that if you are not growing, you are dying.  Especially the way the world moves nowadays where growth, taxes, and death seem to be the only guarantees. Some may even argue that if you are not doing two of them (paying taxes and growing), then you are probably on your way out - LOL.  

As the world continues to change, and at a faster rate each day than the day before, the ability to get information gets easier and easier.  However, the understanding of application is what seems to be getting lost.  Coaches can, at the touch of a button, get information or enroll in a course from the comforts of their own home.  The days of travel, grunt internships, and working long hours just to learn from a peer seem to be fading with paid online courses that send the young aspiring coaches on their way with little to no hardcore floor hours.

This is one of the reasons why I started the Conquer Athlete Coaching Mentorship Program. As I continued to work with young coaches, it was starting to become clear that principles were getting lost with the shiny new methods being pushed in order to sell out a course. The problem is that when methods are put before principles, then the understanding of the why takes a back seat. When, in actuality, the principles, or the why, are what need to be driving the how (the methods).

So, I set out to bring forth a Mentorship Program like no other - one that is truly individualized for each coach. I noticed that a lot of mentorship tracks are set around preconceived criteria that are developed by the leader. I wanted a program that is created in a live setting around that individual coach, to take into account where they currently are, along with where they want to be. This is the only way to make sure nothing is lost within their development, and they progress in a manner that is appropriate for them. Developing this program in a peer setting drives accountability and collaborative learning in a way that drives acceptance and ownership.

So, if you are a coach, then this program is for you. No matter if you are a beginner or seasoned veteran, this program will provide you the insight you need to get to the next stage of your development.

Shoot us an email (help@conquerathlete.com) to set up your discovery call.  Our next session starts July 5th!

Learn more about our Coaching Mentorship Program here.

-Coach Jay


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