Why Your Online CrossFit Programming Isn’t Working

The problem that many people have around following a program always comes down to results and expectations.  I often hear about people program-hopping due to a lack of progress from their current track.  Now, I am not going to get into program-hopping because that in itself can generate another short essay.  What I am going to talk about today are a few reasons why you are not seeing results with your current online CrossFit programming track.

Unreasonable Expectations

I have never seen more people swear they can make it to the professional level more than in the sport of CrossFit.  Every year, people step forward and say their goal is to make the CrossFit Games.  That is the equivalent of saying your goal is to play for the New York Yankees.  Sure, it’s a great goal to have, but you also understand the reality of that saying.  I think too many people have these expectations that are grand and magnificent, yet a bit too grand, and unreachable achievements can lead to frustration and a lack of fulfillment.

Inappropriate Stimulus

In training, everything revolves around working at the right stimulus to drive the adaptation you and/or the coach are looking for. In order to achieve the right adaptation, you need to progress correctly for the desired result. Too often, programs jump around from week to week, and as you age in training, there isn’t enough progressive overload or stimulus to continually drive adaptation. On the other hand, for beginners in this sport, they usually get on a training template that is beyond their training age and the stimulus is too much, thus driving them down the unforgiving road of fatigue.

Methods Versus Principles Approach 

When programmers don’t truly understand the guiding principles of strength and conditioning, they become followers of methods.  The problem is that people who only chase after the next method only understand that method, rather than the why behind it.  When you guide your prescriptions around the principles, you are able to pivot appropriately in order to continually progress towards your goals no matter how the athlete is responding.  Usually method-based programs are always switching and changing, simply for the fact that they are throwing a new method at the wall hoping that it sticks.

Your program should always be one that challenges you, progresses you, and is one that is right for you. If you want to learn more about how Conquer Athlete can serve you set up a free consultation at help@conquerathlete.com



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