Mixed Modality Training For Health

By Coach Jason Leydon

Learn How To Implement Mixed Modality Training Into Your Programming & more Pro Tips

“Mixed modal training” simply means you are doing different types or modes of training within a given workout. “Mixed modality training” was first titled by James FitzGerald, yet it has been around since the beginning of fitness training; people have always put different combinations of weightlifting, gymnastics, and monostructural work into a workout. In the term of years, and as years relate to strength and conditioning, the idea or premise of mixed modal training is still in its infancy.

The main premise with mixed modality training lies with varying muscular contractions to elicit a given training response. Mixed modal training uses different contractions to gain fitness. Mixed modal training as used for CrossFit, the sport, is done so in a way to provide resiliency, both metabolic and neurologically. Mixed modal training, as prescribed for health and longevity, is used in a way to create muscular contractions to improve fitness as it relates to health and longevity of life.

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