Roundtable 2: The Strategies to Win WZA ‘19 Workouts 3 & 4

Conquer Athlete Podcast

Roundtable 2: The Strategies to Win WZA ‘19 Workouts 3 & 4

On this episode, we'll cover the best ways to approach the 3rd and 4th workouts of Wodapalooza 2019. 


Workout 3: 

DT Ladder

Every 4 minutes, complete 3 rounds of the following: 12 Deadlifts 9 Hang Power Cleans 6 Shoulder-to-Overhead

*If you complete the three rounds at a given weight within the 4min window, increase the weight to the next load, add another 4:00 to your time-cap, and immediately begin on the next three rounds.

  • Round 1 - 95, 65lb

  • Round 2 - 135, 95lb

  • Round 3 - 155, 105lb

  • Round 4 - 185, 130lb

  • Round 5 - 205, 145lb - *AMRAP with remaining time

Workout 4:

For Time - 20:00 Minute Time Cap

150 Wallballs (20,14lb) (10ft, 9ft) 75 Toes-to-bar

Perform in any order, until completion of total work. Can be broken down or performed in any order




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Here's what's next:


Episode #19: Juggernaut Training Systems W. Chad Wesley Smith


Episode #18: Shift Movement Science W. Dave Tilley