3 CrossFit Programming Secrets Your Coach Doesn’t Want You to Know
Some coaches out there like to think that their information is under lock and key and they would never consider sharing thoughts or tips with other coaches or their clients. This, to me, is the sign of an immature coach. This field is only where it is today from those who paved the way before us and shared all their information with those who came after them. For that matter, it is up to us to pave the way for those who are following in our footsteps and will bring our field into the next stage!
On another note, to me, a true coach (guide) is one who doesn’t just tell their clients what to do, but rather teaches them how to do it. This goes back to the old adage along the lines of: “Give a man a fish and provide him a meal. Teach a man how to fish, and provide him food for life.” (I know I butchered that, but you get the point). Coaches, rather, true coaches are here to teach their clients how to exercise, be fit, and create sustainable habits to provide a lifelong journey that constantly evolves as they do.
With that all being said, I still feel that there are three secrets that coaches try to keep to themselves in order to create a dependency from their athletes. So, here you go… the top three secrets that your coach is not telling you:
There is no secret sauce.
That’s right! There is no magical program. There is no secret pill that once you take it that you become a newer, better version of yourself. There is no secret programming formula that will generate amazing results. The secret sauce lies within the athlete and their ability to do the work!
Consistency is king.
This is by far the most important aspect of achieving your goals. Show up, and do the work each day. Stay consistent with your training, sleep, nutrition, recovery, and living a lifestyle that suits your goals. If you can stay consistent across the board, not just when you are on your highs, but also your lows; that is how you will get closer to achieving your goals.
Communication rules all.
Following a generic program, or even having a custom or semi-custom program that you follow but doesn’t come with much communication from a coach is like having a great saddle but no horse to put it on - you're not going to get very far! Communication trumps all programs, especially as you get closer to your goals. No one can go alone, and coaching/training needs to evolve daily as people do. If you are not being communicated to as your train, well you are on a one way train to nowhere-ville!
So, there you have it folks. The top three secrets that your coach is keeping from you.
If you feel stuck, or think your coach falls into one of these categories, send us an email at help@conquerahtlete.com and see how we can best guide you.