Conquer CrossFit Blog

Functional Fitness Tips, CrossFit News, & More

Being Prepared For The Legends Competition: Free Ebook

Program design is an art, there’s so many variables when it comes to building a program. Fatigue principles, intensity prescriptions, internal and external stress, time, athlete experience, injuries, the list goes on and on. If you’re serious about reaching your highest potential, which I’m sure you are if you’re reading this, I’m here to tell you that your piecemail program is killing that potential.

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CrossFit Programming Conquer Help CrossFit Programming Conquer Help

The "Accessory" Trap: How Piecing Together Random Programs Is Killing Your Progress

Program design is an art, there’s so many variables when it comes to building a program. Fatigue principles, intensity prescriptions, internal and external stress, time, athlete experience, injuries, the list goes on and on. If you’re serious about reaching your highest potential, which I’m sure you are if you’re reading this, I’m here to tell you that your piecemail program is killing that potential.

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3 CrossFit Programming Secrets Your Coach Doesn’t Want You to Know

Some coaches out there like to think that their information is under lock and key and they would never consider sharing thoughts or tips with other coaches or their clients. This, to me, is the sign of an immature coach. This field is only where it is today from those who paved the way before us and shared all their information with those who came after them. For that matter, it is up to us to pave the way for those who are following in our footsteps and will bring our field into the next stage!

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Online Crossfit Training Jason Leydon Online Crossfit Training Jason Leydon

Why Online CrossFit Training is the Future.

There are many debates as to the effectiveness of online CrossFit training. As with anything out there, you can find both the pros and the cons. I am in the camp that sides with the effectiveness of online CrossFit training. So, the question is, why do I think this? Simply put, professionals. I believe that online CrossFit training is the future due to the constant growth of professional programmers/coaches.

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CrossFit Programming, Online Coaching Jason Leydon CrossFit Programming, Online Coaching Jason Leydon

Why Athletes Use Online Crossfit Programming

With the ever-changing landscape of the fitness industry, we have noticed a big push in online CrossFit programming. One can definitely say that with the changing environment around COVID, the pursuit to develop an online CrossFit program exploded within the community. Whether this was caused by a greater need to deliver a means for people to maintain fitness, or another revenue stream for coaches in a broader market with a more diverse population, it is there, and it will stay there…

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