How to Program for CrossFit Masters Athletes

I am not sure if it is my age, or my connection, which is growing, to this community, but I am falling deeper and deeper in love with the programming around CrossFit Masters athletes. I feel this could be from the understanding and appreciation of their work ethic. These people usually have families, and full time jobs, yet they get the work day in and day out with very little complaining or excuses.

To me, the CrossFit Masters athlete has a better understanding of sacrifice and compassion. Meaning, they know why they are doing what they are doing, they understand what they must give up to achieve it, but they also have compassion around their time and their work. The CrossFit Masters athlete doesn’t hold their world on an Open performance, they rather take it as part of them, but not all of them. With this being said, I have realized three big things that you must take into consideration when programming for CrossFit Masters athletes:

1) They are not Rich Froning

What I mean by this is as simple as it sounds. I see too many programs that are written for younger athletes used as a template for a “Masters” program. This is the surest way to overtrain these individuals who have completely different needs than a twenty two year old.

2) They require something different

A program written from one person will not be the best fit for another person. With that being said, a program I wrote for you last year will not have the same effect on you today. Within programming and training, there are intra and inter differences from person to person. The key to programming for CrossFit Masters athletes is to understand these differences from person to person and more so with that one specific person. This is the best way to make sure you are prescribing the correct dosage around your targeted training goal.

3) Their joints require more TLC

The more years people have on their lives, the more wear and tear their bodies and joints have been through. With the CrossFit Masters athlete, there may be some days when they are great, and other times when there is a sudden inflammatory response around a joint due to overuse. Their programs / coaches need to be ready and able to adjust around these instances in order to create the proper response without causing further damage.

Programming for the CrossFit Masters athlete, to me, is one of the most rewarding things. These athletes will run through walls for you if they are connected with you. It is your job, as their coach, to be able to provide them the right roadmap to where they are going.

-Coach Jay

PS- check out our free ebook, Top 5 Areas Where Masters Athletes Are Training Improperly.


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