Conquer CrossFit Blog

Functional Fitness Tips, CrossFit News, & More

Micronutrients Matter

Welcome to a deeper dive into the world of sports nutrition, where we magnify the crucial yet often underestimated role of micronutrients. In this edition, we delve into essential vitamins and minerals that power athletic performance, how can implementation optimize fitness,  and draw lessons from real athlete case studies on overcoming common deficiencies.

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Exploring the Role of Leucine in Post-Workout Recovery (Part 2 of 2)

Recent studies have brought leucine to the forefront of nutritional science, particularly regarding its role in post-exercise recovery. Research from the University of Toronto and associated institutions has demonstrated that leucine-enriched essential amino acids are instrumental in enhancing recovery from muscle damage incurred during exercise. This benefit is distinct from the traditional mechanisms of protein synthesis, offering a unique avenue for muscle repair.

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Leucine: Maximizing Recovery for CrossFit Athletes (Part 1 of 2)

CrossFit athletes, known for their rigorous training encompassing high-intensity cardio, weightlifting, and plyometrics, face unique recovery challenges. Leucine, an essential amino acid, emerges as a key factor in post-exercise recovery. Studies, including those from the University of Toronto, highlight that leucine-enriched essential amino acids are effective in repairing muscle damage after intense workouts—a common scenario in CrossFit. Leucine's collaboration with insulin in enhancing muscle protein synthesis is particularly beneficial for CrossFit athletes, who often engage in diverse and demanding exercises.

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Boosting Your CrossFit Performance: The Need for Speedy Carbs

If you're looking to elevate your performance and dominate those grueling WODs, it's time to delve into one critical aspect of your nutrition strategy: fast-digesting carbohydrates. While they may not be as flashy as the latest workout gear or as talked about as protein, these carbs are your not-so-secret weapon for conquering the CrossFit arena. So, let's dive in, dig deeper, and uncover why you should be best pals with these lightning-fast fuel sources.

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Top 4 Supplements for CrossFitters

Here are the top 4 supplements that you should be taking for CrossFit! Keep in mind you need to focus on a healthy well balanced diet first along with optimal hydration. You can take all the supplemental aids you want. But if your foundation isn’t strong with a healthy diet. You are leaving a lot on the table!

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Basic Breakdown of Performance Nutrition

Performance nutrition is an essential component of an athlete's training regimen. Proper nutrition can provide the fuel and nutrients necessary to support physical activity, improve recovery, and optimize overall performance. We will dive into the important components of performance nutrition for athletes and provide a few tips for incorporating them into your daily routine.

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CrossFit Athletes Jason Leydon CrossFit Athletes Jason Leydon

What Is Balance?

Over the years, I have seen many athletes start off blazing hot and then at some point crash out due to not feeling fulfilled around other areas in their lives. What I have noticed through working with thousands of people is that humans have this urge to go “all in.” However, they often, in my opinion, misunderstand that terminology. Going “all in,” doesn’t mean drop everything in your life for this one thing. Going “all in” means doing everything you can to be successful in your endeavor. Now, I know those too sound the same, yet they are in fact different. Allow me to explain.

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