Conquer CrossFit Blog

Functional Fitness Tips, CrossFit News, & More

CrossFit Athletes Conquer Help CrossFit Athletes Conquer Help

Why Your Skills Have Stopped Progressing

The longer people are involved in training, the harder and harder it takes to hit new PR’s. However, that doesn’t mean that their skills need to slow down too. Rather, what you should be seeing is an increase in your ability to perform them, or you’re able to add onto your skills in a way that will benefit you and your workouts. Yet, for some reason many people see a slow down in their ability to perform skills, add to skills, or progress in their skills. So, I have listed some main reasons for this.

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Building a Foundation for Gymnastics

Compared to the early days of CrossFit, the average athlete in the sport is now expected to perform a wider array of gymnastic movements at ridiculously high volumes. It’s amazing to watch and it’s even cooler to sit back and think about how far these athletes have come in such a short period of time. But with expectations and demands still increasing, I have found myself wondering if we have forgotten the value that a strong foundation has on improving performance and preserving the athlete.

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If you're a Masters athlete and your goal is succeeding at the SPORT of CrossFit, then listen up. It’s time to stop focusing on just “being good” at CrossFit. Yes, to be successful, obviously, you have to be good at the skills you’re going to see in the tests, but it’s time to start focusing on becoming athletic in a broader sense. Read more.

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CrossFit Athletes, CrossFit Games Jason Leydon CrossFit Athletes, CrossFit Games Jason Leydon

Training a CrossFit Games Team

Over the past 15 years of being in the Sport of CrossFit, I have developed eight different teams that have all made the CrossFit Games. To me, the most exciting part is that not one of those teams was the same team as the year before. Each year, having a new team presented new challenges, new personalities, new strengths, new weaknesses, and new focus on bonding. Over the years and the teams, I can honestly say there is one attribute that separates the teams that do well and are resilient, versus those that fold. So, the million dollar question is what is that one thing?

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CrossFit Athletes Jason Leydon CrossFit Athletes Jason Leydon

What Is Balance?

Over the years, I have seen many athletes start off blazing hot and then at some point crash out due to not feeling fulfilled around other areas in their lives. What I have noticed through working with thousands of people is that humans have this urge to go “all in.” However, they often, in my opinion, misunderstand that terminology. Going “all in,” doesn’t mean drop everything in your life for this one thing. Going “all in” means doing everything you can to be successful in your endeavor. Now, I know those too sound the same, yet they are in fact different. Allow me to explain.

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CrossFit Athletes Conquer Help CrossFit Athletes Conquer Help

Choosing Between CrossFit Training Options: What's The Difference?

There’s so many options out there for you as an athlete. My goal here is to help you pick the right choice for your ability level and your wallet. Finding the best fit for you will keep you consistent, and consistency is more times than not the thing that’s stopping you from achieving your goals. First what I’ll do is summarize each and then we’ll get into more of the specifics of choosing what’s right for you…

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5 Unconventional Habits to Start That Will Make You a Better CrossFit Athlete

I am sure that if I were to ask you what you need to do to improve your abilities for the New Year, you could rattle off twenty different principles or methods to implement that you feel could give you an edge. Hopefully, by now, anyone who is training has someone who is overseeing some aspect of what they are doing (especially if you have particular goals) and is providing you a road map to get there. So, for this article, I wanted to talk about five “unconventional” habits that I think everyone should do. The crazy part is, that if you do perform these habits, I have no doubt you will become better.

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