Conquer CrossFit Blog

Functional Fitness Tips, CrossFit News, & More

Online Coaching Jason Leydon Online Coaching Jason Leydon

CrossFit Remote Coaching for Competitions

The problem that I see with a lot of remote crossfit coaching lies within the coaching. The space is becoming saturated, and with the saturation you will get an influx of people looking to make a dollar. So the coaching, the programming, and the connection will become watered down as people price shop and/or program hop. So, here are a few things that people should be looking for, or receiving with their CrossFit remote coaching program.

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Fitness, MMA Jason Leydon Fitness, MMA Jason Leydon

How Online Personal Programming Should Be Done

In the virtual training space, there are a few principles, as I see it, that each coach should be adhering to in order to ensure their athlete(s) are getting the coaching experience they deserve. So, below are my big four that every online personal program should be following.

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Fitness, MMA Jason Leydon Fitness, MMA Jason Leydon

What Is Conquer’s MMA Fitness Program?

The Conquer MMA program is developed alongside my training of the fighters from FAA CT (Fighting Arts Academy). Over the years, we have built a program that allows these fighters and practitioners to train on and off the mats in a way that compliments the other.

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