Conquer CrossFit Blog

Functional Fitness Tips, CrossFit News, & More

What it Takes to Compete at the CrossFit Games

The ultimate goal of every Crossfit competitor is to qualify for the “Crossfit Games”. The Crossfit Games is an annual event that showcases the fittest athletes competing against one another in various modalities of fitness. In order to compete at this level, an athlete must posses amazing work ethic, talent and some luck. Today, we will be addressing the sport requirements to compete at each stage of the Crossfit Games season. We’re hopeful that by the end of this, you will have a better understanding of what you need to address in order to compete!

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Programming Beyond the X’s and O’s

Training athletes can be as "simple" or as detailed as you want it to be. But simple doesn't always mean it's going to be effective nor does being complex. If something isn't working, you have to be able and willing to pivot and try something new. When trying something new, review the old, look at your data points, talk to your athlete and allow that to drive your next decision.

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How to Overcome Training Plateaus

Training plateaus can be frustrating and demotivating, but they are a common obstacle on the path to achieving fitness goals. Whether you're an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or someone who simply wants to stay in shape, hitting a plateau can feel like hitting a wall. However, with the right mindset and strategies, you can overcome training plateaus and continue making progress towards your goals. 

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