Conquer CrossFit Blog

Functional Fitness Tips, CrossFit News, & More

Gymnastics Jason Leydon Gymnastics Jason Leydon

3 Ways to Improve Your Gymnastics Capacity

In the sport of CrossFit your ability to perform gymnastics, perform gymnastics well, and perform gymnastics for a shit ton of reps is pivotal. I have seen so often athletes jump stages in their training which ultimately leads to a “functional ceiling” created with in their abilities. This “functional ceiling” is referring to how many reps they can essentially perform and sustain within a workout. So, why does this functional ceiling get created? Basically it’s from a lack of proper progression while building their gymnastics skills. So, below I am going to outline three ways to not only improve your CrossFit gymnastics capacity, but also continually work to improve your functional ceiling.

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Mindset Jason Leydon Mindset Jason Leydon

4 Approaches to Developing a Strong Mindset

What is an elite mindset? As told to me by Brian Cain in his Mental Performance Mastery Certification: your mindset is how you see yourself, your situation, and the world - basically your perspective. So, if we break this down even more, a strong mindset comes down to the person having a strong/positive perspective around themselves, their situation, and the world around them…

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Jason Leydon Jason Leydon

How To Get Stronger: Part 2

This is Part 2 of our strength-building principles. If you recall from the first strength-building blog, I discussed the principles of specificity, overload, fatigue management, and individual differences. In this piece, I want to introduce you to three more principles that are needed to build strength within yourself or your athletes…

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Jason Leydon Jason Leydon

How to Get Stronger: Part 1

In this day and age, it is not hard to find various methods around gaining strength. However, a method applied without the proper principles behind it is liking putting heels on a bull; sure, it might look nice at first, but what good does it do for you in the long run? The biggest approach to coaching that I teach revolves around principles…

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