Why Athletes Use Online Crossfit Programming


With the ever-changing landscape of the fitness industry, we have noticed a big push in online CrossFit programming. One can definitely say that with the changing environment around COVID, the pursuit to develop an online CrossFit program exploded within the community. Whether this was caused by a greater need to deliver a means for people to maintain fitness, or another revenue stream for coaches in a broader market with a more diverse population, it is there, and it will stay there.

Now, there are absolutely some considerations people should take when looking for a good online program, but what I am going to discuss here is the why: Why do athletes use an online CrossFit program when they probably already go to a CrossFit or functional fitness training facility?

There are three simple reasons as to why someone would use an online CrossFit program:

1. Experienced Coaching

It is no secret that anybody with capital can open a gym. I am by no means bashing this, as everything and everyone needs to start somewhere. However, the element in development that cannot be oversought is the need for experienced coaching. The most important thing within athletic progress lies within the trust between an athlete and their coach. Athletes need coaches who they trust, and know that they have been in the trenches before, and will be able to lead them through it. As athletes grow, their need to have a coach who they trust to lead them grows as well. Typically, athletes will look to online CrossFit programming as their needs for more experienced coaching grows.

2. Proven programming

A lot of the time athletes will look to online CrossFit programming when they feel the program they are doing is not proven, or cannot lead them to where they want to be. They will then seek out an online program that has produced the results they are looking for. Now, sometimes, athletes seek out what others are doing, whether it is proven or not (proven for one person versus proven by the masses are two separate things.)

3. Specific Goals

The third reason why athletes will look towards online CrossFit programming is when they have specific goals that they want to achieve, and they want to get direction from coaches who specialize in this area. As goals get more focused, the path to achieve them needs to also get more focused and specialized. Many times, athletes will look to online CrossFit programming that may specialize in this area in order for a faster learning/development curve.

So, the three of the main reasons why athletes look to online CrossFit programming lie with experienced coaching, proven programming/results, and specialized tracks. Nowadays, it is not hard to find online programs. What is starting to become harder and harder is knowing what is good for you and what is not. If you have not read our blog on what to look for, check it out here.

If you are looking for an online CrossFit program that has experienced coaching, proven results, and can link into your specific goals, then look no further. At Conquer Athlete, we have everything you need to have a proven and committed coach. Send us an email at help@conquerathlete.com to set up a free consultation and see how we can best assist you.

-Coach Jay


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