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Episode #187: Coaches Roundtable #27

As we approach the end of 2022, the team decided to take this opportunity to share their self reflections with our listeners. Taking time to look back at the path you just walked and highlight moments that taught you something is absolutely essential to the process of growth. Speaking those lessons out loud is yet another step towards realizing them on the journey to becoming the best version of yourself possible. We strongly encourage you to do the same...take a moment to self reflect, and if you feel so comfortable... share them with those close to you.

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Episode #182: Coaches Roundtable #26

On this episode of the podcast, the coaches discuss something that they are passionate about: training masters athletes. There is a lot to unpack within this episode in regards to managing the complexities of programming for an older athlete. As an athlete ages, there is a lot that changes from their earlier years...physical changes, lifestyle ones, how differently they recover, overall priorities, etc. The list goes on. If you are in this boat, or coach a masters athlete, you are definitely going to want to give this episode a listen. Enjoy!

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Episode #173: Coaches Roundtable #24

On today’s episode of the podcast, the coaches sit down and outline their step by step process on how they work with the population of masters athletes. There are many nuances when it comes to working with this demographic that is lost on most coaches. If the proper approach isn’t can lead to a much higher chance of injury or failure than would be the case when working with a typical athlete in their early 20's. And having just come off a CrossFit Games Masters win, this seemed like the ideal time to shine a spotlight on the methodology that the team uses. Enjoy!

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