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Episode #189: Coaches Roundtable #29

As we enter 2023, Coach Jay takes a few minutes to talk about the systems and practices that he has put in place over the years that has allowed CrossFit Milford and Conquer Athlete to continue to grow and provide a place for gym goers and competitive athletes to thrive, feel at home, and experience the best parts of their day.

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Episode #188: Coaches Roundtable #28

As we approach the start of 2023, we are also inching closer to the 2023 CrossFit Open. On today's episode Jay and Tommie discuss some of the things that athletes and coaches can be doing now to finish out the last year of hard work in preparation for the 2023 season and ensure that this is your best Open performance to date.

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Episode #187: Coaches Roundtable #27

As we approach the end of 2022, the team decided to take this opportunity to share their self reflections with our listeners. Taking time to look back at the path you just walked and highlight moments that taught you something is absolutely essential to the process of growth. Speaking those lessons out loud is yet another step towards realizing them on the journey to becoming the best version of yourself possible. We strongly encourage you to do the same...take a moment to self reflect, and if you feel so comfortable... share them with those close to you.

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