Main Training Considerations for Crossfit Masters Athletes
CrossFit Masters athletes have grown immensely over the past ten years. Masters athletes, typically aged 35 and above, compete in CrossFit events alongside their younger counterparts, showcasing their strength, endurance, and determination. However, as the body ages, training considerations for masters athletes must be tailored to ensure optimal performance while minimizing the risk of injury. Too often masters athletes are jumping on programs that are tailored towards much younger athletes who require less rest time, have less going on in their lives, and have more ability to recover. In this blog, we will talk about a few things masters athletes need to keep in mind to stay competitive and not get injured or burn out.
CrossFit Masters athletes have grown immensely over the past ten years. Masters athletes, typically aged 35 and above, compete in CrossFit events alongside their younger counterparts, showcasing their strength, endurance, and determination. However, as the body ages, training considerations for masters athletes must be tailored to ensure optimal performance while minimizing the risk of injury. Too often masters athletes are jumping on programs that are tailored towards much younger athletes who require less rest time, have less going on in their lives, and have more ability to recover. In this blog, we will talk about a few things masters athletes need to keep in mind to stay competitive and not get injured or burn out.
CrossFit Masters athletes have grown immensely over the past ten years. Masters athletes, typically aged 35 and above, compete in CrossFit events alongside their younger counterparts, showcasing their strength, endurance, and determination. However, as the body ages, training considerations for masters athletes must be tailored to ensure optimal performance while minimizing the risk of injury. Too often masters athletes are jumping on programs that are tailored towards much younger athletes who require less rest time, have less going on in their lives, and have more ability to recover. In this blog, we will talk about a few things masters athletes need to keep in mind to stay competitive and not get injured or burn out.