3 Steps to Produce a Good CrossFit Games Team

CrossFit Team Conquer

Over the years, I have produced nine different teams that have qualified for the CrossFit Games. I am going to outline three things I do with the team to put them in the best possible position to succeed in the Team CrossFit Games Championship.

Step 1 - Individualize their programming

I treat the CrossFit Games season in stages, even with the teams. Over the course of the year, the team does individualized programming to put them in the best possible position for success. The only way elite athletes can truly follow the proper stimulus to drive adaptation is to follow a program that is specifically designed for them. This is the best possible way for each person to target their weaknesses, maintain their strengths, and provide the right stimulus for that athlete to progress, recover, and grow. Even when the team really starts diving into weekend training, their mid-week work still follows individualized principles in order to make sure each athlete is training for success.

Step 2 - Expectations are outline and reviewed

With each team, I clearly outline the expectations and requirements for each person and the team. These expectations are written out on paper form, which everyone signs. This constitutes a real binding approach to what is needed from each person with commitment, sacrifice, and reward. I will also do intra-session expectations with the team before each session. Meaning, I will pull everyone together, review the training, discuss why, and tell them what I am looking for from each person and the team. This will set them up for success for that session and set everyone on the same page.

Step 3 - Don’t avoid conflict

With any team, there are always times where conflict will arise. A team has to deal with multiple personalities, characters, and emotions. Not to mention when the pressure of the season increases, these differences will pop up even more - unless the team is constantly working on communication principles and conflict resolution. The more the team is exposed to each person, and understands each person's personality, as well as how to address issues when they come up, the more the team will gel during the tough times. I have seen it far too often where coaches will not work on conflict resolution and that will create tension and distance between athletes, which will tear the team apart over time.

If you are on a team, training a team, or looking to start a team for the CrossFit Games season, or even local competitions, and you want to chat with one of our coaches around the best way to train and develop your team, send us an email at help@conquerathlete.com.

-Coach Jay


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