Conquer CrossFit Blog

Functional Fitness Tips, CrossFit News, & More

Thriving in the CrossFit Open

The CrossFit Open brings mixed emotions for most athletes. Some thrive under the pressure, while others crumble. How you plan for the start of the competitive season can play a major role whether you thrive in the OPEN or you just survive. 

When I’m working with athletes, I think of competition in three phases, before, during and after and each phase has specific skills attached to it. As athletes, the sooner you realize and embrace that competition is a skill the sooner you’ll begin to thrive in it. 

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4 Ways to Make this Year Your Best CrossFit Open Yet

The CrossFit Open is here! For some, this is just another walk in the park. For some, this is a fun community event where they get to throw down shoulder to shoulder with other members of their community and compare themselves to the best of the best. For others, this is the start of what they have been training for over the past year(s).

There are many variables to doing well in the CrossFit Open. However, my goal is to touch on four topics that can yield a huge impact for you.

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Being Prepared For The Legends Competition: Free Ebook

Program design is an art, there’s so many variables when it comes to building a program. Fatigue principles, intensity prescriptions, internal and external stress, time, athlete experience, injuries, the list goes on and on. If you’re serious about reaching your highest potential, which I’m sure you are if you’re reading this, I’m here to tell you that your piecemail program is killing that potential.

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