How To Prepare CrossFit Masters Athletes

Over the years, I have seen the CrossFit Masters world grow and grow, and with that I have seen more and more companies coming out looking to capitalize on this market. The biggest problem I have seen from this lies around snake oil sales to these athletes.

What is “snake oil” sales?

This is when a specific service is sold to these athletes, but it is not actually delivered; rather, it is covered up. I have seen many athletes on similar programs, where some numbers (weights/reps/sets) are changed slightly. I have seen Masters athletes following programs that are written for athletes half their age.

If you are a Masters athlete, and your goal is to compete at the CrossFit Games, then you are recognizing that you are looking to be in the 1%.

Whenever you are shooting for the top of the top, the focus of what you do needs to be so intentional and focused on you that there is no room for anything else.

So, where are Masters athletes falling short?

Simply put, they are falling short around proper execution of the principles not set forth by the program they are doing.

As we age, there is a higher demand placed on things such as: fatigue management, exercise selection, anatomical differences, periodization around a targeted goal, training block potentiation, energy system stress, and progressive overload.

Why is the demand around these principles being heightened?

As we age, our need for targeted/intentional work also increases in order to drive the proper adaptation to reach the desired response. If we do not pay enough attention to this, then at some point we will slow down the progress and reach our functional ceiling.

If you are a Masters athlete and you want to give yourself a chance to make the CrossFit Games, then focus on your training and recovery and make sure it is intentional to you! Contact us to learn more at

-Coach Jay




Training a CrossFit Games Team