Conquer CrossFit Blog

Functional Fitness Tips, CrossFit News, & More

Addressing Energy Leaks

Maybe, you already possess the skills AND conditioning you need to be successful. However, you may have too many energy leaks that contribute toward your overall fatigue and expenditure – which prohibits you from expressing your true abilities.

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Looking Holistically at Fitness

When you’re in your 20’s (or even younger), some things may not be as important for you to focus on, but as age, volume, and priorities change, it’s vital to take a look at the whole picture if you hope to continue down the path of progress.

The following elements all have a huge impact on your training, your improvement, and your longevity.

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Thinking Long-Term

To maximize your athletic potential, long-term thinking has to be part of your mindset.

A big portion of that includes training smart, training consistently, and avoiding injuries.

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Optimizing versus Adapting

For better or worse, the typical CrossFit athlete is focused on performance. How do I get a faster time or more reps? And in some instances, that can be a hindrance toward progression.

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4 Myths Around Creating an Elite MIndset

For everything we do, we need to have an elite mindset. Whether this is around your job, your relationships, or your passion, you need to have a strong mindset. So, the next logical question is: What is an elite mindset? You can take each priority of yours and think about what defines a strong mindset to you based around how you define success within that area.

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