Optimizing versus Adapting
Written by Conquer Athlete Coach Jerod Gordon
For better or worse, the typical CrossFit athlete is focused on performance. How do I get a faster time or more reps? And in some instances, that can be a hindrance toward progression.
I recall listening to a podcast with Dr. Andy Galpin – someone who has worked with high level athletes in a wide variety of sports (from wrestling, boxing, powerlifting, mixed martial arts) – and he referenced the concept of optimizing or adapting.
In reference to functional fitness, most only ever focus on one aspect – optimizing performance. If we aim only to optimize performance, that could look like doing singles on pull ups or handstand push ups. Maybe, it’s doing singles on the barbell instead of hanging on for bigger sets.
In this instance, the only goal is more reps or a faster time.
However – if you’re optimizing, you’re not adapting (and vice versa).
For the CrossFit space, adapting (improving) could look like doing bigger sets of gymnastics or completing a row or bike or run at a certain pace or doing unbroken sets on the barbell.
In this specific instance, the goal is to create change through a specific stimulus. We grow and improve through that challenge, but likely at the detriment of the fastest time or most reps. We’re choosing adaption versus optimization.
With that being said, the biggest challenge for any athlete is knowing when to do one and not the other. Realistically, this should be somewhat clear based on when the athlete chooses to compete.
During the “off” time, the focus should be on adapting & improving with a bigger focus on quality and specific strategy. Then as competition nears, the shift begins gradually from adaptation to optimization and using the new found improvements to further push performance when it’s called for.
If you know you struggle with this as an athlete, both planning out how to create adaptation and having the accountability to stick to the plan, this is where having a coach can be invaluable.
If you have any questions, want to make sure you’re on the right track, or want to learn how we work with athletes with our Individual Design coaching, email help@conquerathlete.com. Or, check out our website www.conquerathlete.com and set up a free discovery call.