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Wodapalooza Strategy Guide

When athletes travel, there are often many factors that play into their ability to perform. 

Oftentimes, athletes forget about little things that can add up and make a huge difference. For instance, think about traveling, staying in a hotel, and getting stuck with a bad pillow and light that shines through. Now, think about how bad that sleep is. Think about travelingā€¦ Oftentimes, you get off the plane and feel fine, but when you go to move, your system is jacked up due to hydration issues and, for some, illness from germs that got in their system. These things mentioned may seem funny, but when money and contracts are on the line, these can add up and be a big deal. The fix to the above is easy when planned ahead; bring your pillow, bring eye mask and ear plugs, and/or interview the people where you are staying to get a feel for the environment.

To me, that is the difference between recreational athletes and professionals. The professionals are going to look at all the little things and try to align as many as they can to their normal day in order to optimize their performance. For instance, did you know that a one hour time zone difference takes a full day for your body to acclimate? Think about a three hour time difference, flying in the day before, and then having a bad night's sleep? How optimally can you perform then? 

Lucky for you, we have created a Wodapalooza Strategy Guide to help you take the first steps to prepare for travel, recovery, between-event recovery, nutrition, warm ups, game planning, and more.

Download Our Free WZA Guide hereā€¦.