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Episode #27: Thundrbro Training W. Dave Lipson

Dave Lipson is the owner of Thundrbro Training. With a background in professional baseball and strength and conditioning, Dave travels the world training trainers on how to thrash clients and mold them into rock hard adonis Gods. He has trained entertainment celebrities, professional MLB and NFL athletes and CrossFit Games champions. Dave enjoys smashing drums and touring with Metal bands, lifting massive weights sexing it up with his beloved wife.

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Episode #25: Lifestyle Nutrition W. Becca Chilzenkowski

Becca Chilzenkowski started CrossFit in 2010 and fell in love with it immediately. Especially the competitiveness (being a two-sport college athlete) and the way it changed how I looked at fitness. She decided in 2012 to quit her full-time job at Allstate and start coaching at O'Hare CrossFit alongside Angelo. Becca got into the competitive scene pretty quick after that and competed from 2012-2016 at regionals on a team once, as well as an individual 2x.

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Episode #08: Power of Language in Coaching W. Mike Bledsoe and Mark England

Mark England is a TEDx speaker and co-founder of Procabulary and Enlifted. He has a Masters degree in International Education and has been researching, presenting and coaching on the power of words for over a decade. In his free time he loves to travel, dance and practice Martial Arts.

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