What Makes Great CrossFit Programming

In its simplest form, CrossFit, or Functional Fitness Programming, revolves around developing skills across multiple modalities. When I speak of modalities, I am referring to various aspects of strength and conditioning, aspects that range from gymnastics (body weight movements) & weightlifting to powerlifting & mono structural work (running, rowing, biking etc.). Now, there are other areas of CrossFit Programming, but this gives you a great understanding of the complexity of all that is encompassed. CrossFit programming, as it relates to the true essence of enhanced general physical preparedness, is simple in nature. The intention of this program is to drive capacity and competence across various fields of fitness, thus increasing the individual’s health and longevity of life. The biggest difference between good CrossFit programming and great CrossFit programming lies in the programmer’s proper adherence to the amount of stimulus placed on the body of the individual and the awareness of recovery around each session. 

Can a great CrossFit program be a one-size-fits-all?


This answer to this question really lies within the needs of the person. If the person has specific goals they want to achieve, then a program cannot be one-size-fits-all. For each individual there are specific needs around volume, intensity, parameters around genetic makeup, stress allowance, variance and/or variations of movements, intra-session duration, and coaching connection with that person's personality. Due to these factors, when goals become specific, then an individual program is required. Now, if the athlete chooses to just be part of a community and their goals are around building a high general level of fitness and preparedness, then they can do well with following a template (as long as this template adheres to the right protocols for stimulus and recovery). Some athletes are able to take these principles and write their own programming, but we have always seen the greatest results from those who have coaches. The great thing about a well-designed individualized program, is that it is for everyone. The benefits are just as plentiful for beginners as they are for the experienced athlete, as long as the coach adheres to what that athlete needs/requires to reach their goals.

How To Create Better Programming?

There are many ways to improve at programming. However, I will touch on the basics here. The first one is knowledge. With knowledge, focus on the principles of programming. What are the principles of strength, the principles of power and conditioning, etc.? After you learn and understand the principles of strength and conditioning, learn about the principles of stress and recovery. The principles will guide your methods which will guide your programs. The second one is experience. After you develop sound understanding of the principles, look to write programs and collect data on their effectiveness to drive your own experiences. Understanding these principles will allow you to create programs that range from specialty programs such as muscle up routines, to functional fitness/CrossFit programs that encompass all the modalities mentioned above.

In my experience, it is always worth it to have a coach.  If you are an athlete looking to build and progress with specific goals, get yourself a coach that knows how to program and develop athletes.  If you are a coach looking to develop your programming skills, work with a coach to program for you and learn by doing and experiencing this customized coaching for yourself. 

To get customized CrossFit programming & coaching online, learn more about Conquer Athlete’s Individual Design Program.


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