Conquer CrossFit Blog

Functional Fitness Tips, CrossFit News, & More

Thriving in the CrossFit Open

The CrossFit Open brings mixed emotions for most athletes. Some thrive under the pressure, while others crumble. How you plan for the start of the competitive season can play a major role whether you thrive in the OPEN or you just survive. 

When I’m working with athletes, I think of competition in three phases, before, during and after and each phase has specific skills attached to it. As athletes, the sooner you realize and embrace that competition is a skill the sooner you’ll begin to thrive in it. 

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4 Ways to Make this Year Your Best CrossFit Open Yet

The CrossFit Open is here! For some, this is just another walk in the park. For some, this is a fun community event where they get to throw down shoulder to shoulder with other members of their community and compare themselves to the best of the best. For others, this is the start of what they have been training for over the past year(s).

There are many variables to doing well in the CrossFit Open. However, my goal is to touch on four topics that can yield a huge impact for you.

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Preparing for the CrossFit Open

Here are some ways that coaches and athletes can prepare themselves for the CrossFit Open. This is definitely not exhaustive, but will surely help to get you focusing on what will put YOU in the best position to perform at your best. As always, having a Coach to help guide you through the X’s and O’s will always be your best resource, but for now, let’s call this a close second.

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CrossFit Programming, CrossFit Conquer Help CrossFit Programming, CrossFit Conquer Help

Is CrossFit a Proven Program?

One major problem I see with “proving” if CrossFit is an effective program lies in one of its foundational principles of preparing for the unknown and unknowable. The application of it is different for everyone. Because there is no centralized delivery of workouts, it’s up to the affiliates to interpret the method and put out a product. It is up to both the program design side and how you the athlete decides to complete it that determines if it’s a “proven” and effective program.

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Remote CrossFit Coaching vs. In-Person Coaching

A common question that coaches are asked is whether or not they should seek out Remote Coaching or In-Person Coaching. In truth, there are very compelling reasons why either could be more serviceable so it’s not a matter of if one is better than the other, per say. What needs to be determined is which is the best option for the athlete at any given point in time.

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Mindset, Online Coaching Jason Leydon Mindset, Online Coaching Jason Leydon

How to Find an Online CrossFit Coach

In this day and age, information is not the issue. The issue is being able to decipher between all the marketing bullshit you see each day.

This also applies to finding an online CrossFit coach. You can open up your computer and whoever has the biggest marketing dollars behind them will probably be flooding your inbox with advertisements and name drops.

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CrossFit Programming, Online Coaching Jason Leydon CrossFit Programming, Online Coaching Jason Leydon

How to Choose an Online CrossFit Program

In this day and age, getting information is not the issue, rather it’s how you apply that information to best serve your mission that is getting harder and harder. With regards to training, we are flooded with information everyday from what online “professionals” view as the “most important” training you can do, without ever knowing a thing about you. Oftentimes this leads people down a rabbit hole of training and various methods that others are doing without ever taking into account their own directional needs. Hence why we wanted to share with you the important factors that you should pay attention to when looking for an online CrossFit training program.

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Programming Jason Leydon Programming Jason Leydon

What Makes Great CrossFit Programming

CrossFit programming, as it relates to the true essence of enhanced general physical preparedness, is simple in nature. The intention of this program is to drive capacity and competence across various fields of fitness, thus increasing the individual’s health and longevity of life.

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