What to Expect from A Good Online CrossFit Coach

Over the years, we have seen a total influx of on line coaches and fitness “experts” appear out of thin air. With this, comes each person's “expert” view on how to train, look good, move good etc. However, many people are missing the key ingredient to any coaching experience, and that is the part of BEING A COACH. So I wanted to list out a few things that you should be expecting from an online coach:

Intelligence. This goes without saying, but the coach should understand the principles of strength and conditioning and be presenting you with a smart progression to achieve your goals.

Communication. Your coach should be communicating with you in a steady manner from day one, and this manner should stay consistent throughout your time. We often see coaches start off hot, then dwindle down in their communication. In our opinion, coaches should be reaching out almost daily to their clients, and providing insight into their training.

Explanation. Coaches should be explaining to their clients the “why’s” behind what they are doing. This will only lead to buy-in, trust, and a deeper connection between the coach and the athlete.

Real time adjustments. In training, things go wrong, life happens, and the body gets tired. Coaches should be prepared for this and ready to make adjustments around daily sessions or training plans as the need presents itself.

Feedback. The coach should understand the athlete and their communication language and look to meet them where they are in order to provide feedback in a manner that will be heard and understood.

Tool kit. The coach should be well versed or have people around them well versed in various topics from sleep, nutrition, breathing, stress management, movement quality, etc… in order to provide the appropriate prescriptions to their clients so they may continually improve their fitness, health, and life.

These are our top 6 things a coach needs to provide to their athletes. Many times we see coaches fizzle out around the above, and they think that providing an X’s and O’s program is enough. If you are paying for an online coach, the above notes are even more important because you are not working in person. So, the more of the above, the better you will improve. If you are paying a premium price, you should expect a premium service.

-Coach Jay

Learn more about individual design coaching & programing from Conquer Athlete.


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