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Episode #44: Gym Breakthrough W. Markus Gerszi

Markus started from the bottom now we here ;) Entrepreneur. As a former gym owner he built, ran and eventually sold CrossFit Active Performance - which was voted the #1 CrossFit gym in Orange County (southern CA) several times. He has been helping gym owners build their businesses for 11 years. He's helped launch and grow the non-profit Barbells for Boobs. Markus developed the website and marketing platform that helped launch Reebok CrossFit ONE, and then the first 25 Reebok affiliates all over the world.

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Episode #16: Making Vision Reality W. Ryan Debell

Ryan DeBell, MS, DC is a movement, fitness, and health educator and entrepreneur. From a young age he's loved computer technology, health, and fitness. He combined these passions into several businesses: Movement Fix, which is a health and fitness education company and T Tool, a professional soft tissue treatment product company.

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