Conquer CrossFit Blog

Functional Fitness Tips, CrossFit News, & More

How to Get Back on Track After Age Group Qualifier Setbacks

Dealing with a setback after a CrossFit competition can be challenging, especially if you have been training for months or even years for the event. However, setbacks are a part of life, and how you handle them can have a significant impact on your ability to bounce back and move forward. In this blog post, we'll discuss some strategies for handling setbacks from the CrossFit Age Group Online Qualifiers (AGOQ) and/or Quarterfinals.

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5 Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a common feeling experienced by many individuals in various professions, including strength coaches. It is the feeling of inadequacy or self-doubt despite evidence of one's skills, knowledge, and experience. Strength coaches who experience imposter syndrome may feel like they are not qualified or skilled enough to be coaching athletes and may doubt their abilities.

Overcoming imposter syndrome as a strength coach can be challenging, but it is possible. Here are 5 tips on how to overcome imposter syndrome as a strength coach.

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Team & Age Group Quarterfinal RamblingS

This weekend marks the second/third stage for the age group quarterfinals. I say the second/third stage because I look at stage two as the teams and stage three as the age group, of which both are competing this weekend. With the release of the floorplans, I am very excited to see these workouts. Here are my thoughts on the floorplans and potential difference makers, as well as a few tips to mentally prepare for the Quarterfinal weekend.

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Deloads: All your questions Answered

The main purpose of a deload week is to give the body a chance to recover from the accumulated stress of intense training. This can be especially important for individuals who participate in strength and conditioning programs that require a lot of high-intensity training, heavy lifting, or frequent training sessions such as with CrossFit athletes. Over time, this type of training can lead to physical and mental fatigue, decreased performance, and an increased risk of injury. 

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7 Ways Online Coaches Can “Level Up”

In today’s information age, finding an online coach is like shooting fish in a barrel. Everywhere you look there is another platform, another program, another coach. Even though the principles are the same, what varies from coach to coach is their ability to not only apply the principles to the athletes they are working with, but their deliverables to the clients in a professional manner.

Here are Conquer Athlete’s seven principles to being a good online coach.

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How to Use Progressive Overload for CrossFit

CrossFit is a demanding fitness regimen that incorporates a variety of exercises and movements to improve strength, endurance, and overall fitness. To get the most out of your Crossfit workouts, it's essential to incorporate the principle of progressive overload into your training. This principle involves gradually increasing the intensity, volume, or frequency of your workouts over time, to continually challenge your body and promote ongoing gains in strength, endurance, and fitness.

Here are some tips on how to use progressive overload in Crossfit.

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Thriving in the CrossFit Open

The CrossFit Open brings mixed emotions for most athletes. Some thrive under the pressure, while others crumble. How you plan for the start of the competitive season can play a major role whether you thrive in the OPEN or you just survive. 

When I’m working with athletes, I think of competition in three phases, before, during and after and each phase has specific skills attached to it. As athletes, the sooner you realize and embrace that competition is a skill the sooner you’ll begin to thrive in it. 

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4 Ways to Make this Year Your Best CrossFit Open Yet

The CrossFit Open is here! For some, this is just another walk in the park. For some, this is a fun community event where they get to throw down shoulder to shoulder with other members of their community and compare themselves to the best of the best. For others, this is the start of what they have been training for over the past year(s).

There are many variables to doing well in the CrossFit Open. However, my goal is to touch on four topics that can yield a huge impact for you.

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Preparing for the CrossFit Open

Here are some ways that coaches and athletes can prepare themselves for the CrossFit Open. This is definitely not exhaustive, but will surely help to get you focusing on what will put YOU in the best position to perform at your best. As always, having a Coach to help guide you through the X’s and O’s will always be your best resource, but for now, let’s call this a close second.

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Is CrossFit a Proven Program?

One major problem I see with “proving” if CrossFit is an effective program lies in one of its foundational principles of preparing for the unknown and unknowable. The application of it is different for everyone. Because there is no centralized delivery of workouts, it’s up to the affiliates to interpret the method and put out a product. It is up to both the program design side and how you the athlete decides to complete it that determines if it’s a “proven” and effective program.

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