Conquer CrossFit Blog

Functional Fitness Tips, CrossFit News, & More

How to Get Back on Track After Age Group Qualifier Setbacks

Dealing with a setback after a CrossFit competition can be challenging, especially if you have been training for months or even years for the event. However, setbacks are a part of life, and how you handle them can have a significant impact on your ability to bounce back and move forward. In this blog post, we'll discuss some strategies for handling setbacks from the CrossFit Age Group Online Qualifiers (AGOQ) and/or Quarterfinals.

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Team & Age Group Quarterfinal RamblingS

This weekend marks the second/third stage for the age group quarterfinals. I say the second/third stage because I look at stage two as the teams and stage three as the age group, of which both are competing this weekend. With the release of the floorplans, I am very excited to see these workouts. Here are my thoughts on the floorplans and potential difference makers, as well as a few tips to mentally prepare for the Quarterfinal weekend.

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