Conquer CrossFit Blog

Functional Fitness Tips, CrossFit News, & More

How to Progress Mixed Modal Workouts

Mixed modal workouts combine various modalities like weightlifting, gymnastics, and monostructural movements in one workout. This style of training helps train different energy systems and muscle groups simultaneously. However, to continually improve and avoid plateaus, it's important to understand how to progress in mixed modal workouts strategically. 

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Deloads: All your questions Answered

The main purpose of a deload week is to give the body a chance to recover from the accumulated stress of intense training. This can be especially important for individuals who participate in strength and conditioning programs that require a lot of high-intensity training, heavy lifting, or frequent training sessions such as with CrossFit athletes. Over time, this type of training can lead to physical and mental fatigue, decreased performance, and an increased risk of injury. 

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7 Ways Online Coaches Can “Level Up”

In today’s information age, finding an online coach is like shooting fish in a barrel. Everywhere you look there is another platform, another program, another coach. Even though the principles are the same, what varies from coach to coach is their ability to not only apply the principles to the athletes they are working with, but their deliverables to the clients in a professional manner.

Here are Conquer Athlete’s seven principles to being a good online coach.

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How to Use Progressive Overload for CrossFit

CrossFit is a demanding fitness regimen that incorporates a variety of exercises and movements to improve strength, endurance, and overall fitness. To get the most out of your Crossfit workouts, it's essential to incorporate the principle of progressive overload into your training. This principle involves gradually increasing the intensity, volume, or frequency of your workouts over time, to continually challenge your body and promote ongoing gains in strength, endurance, and fitness.

Here are some tips on how to use progressive overload in Crossfit.

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